Friday, February 3, 2012

Louisville Lip on the Youtubes

I have lots of great news and such to post, but right now I'd just like to announce that I've finally gotten the gumption to start the Youtube channel. Until now I've only used it in order to see videos you have to sign in to see. But having recently reformatting my camera, I can now shoot videos and will be experimenting with various aspects of it and expect to have a lot of short interviews, shows, segments pertaining to Louisville music and whatnot. So, here is the first one. The test run. This particular post is also an experiment. As in, whether or not I can figure out how to actually post it here. I realize that this and other posts sound really far fetched. As if there couldn't possibly be anyone out there ignorant enough not to know how to do this kind of stuff, simple as it is and all. But I assure you, dear non existent reader, there is. There is! He is me. Alas.
Anyway, here goes:

Wow. Blow me down. It seems to have worked. Surely my computer will crash now.

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